Lindri Suryaning Dinar
- プロフィールProfile
My name is Lindri Suryaning Dinar. Born at Dec, 7 1994 at Mojokerto East Java, Indonesia.
I loves drawing, and begin drawing when I was a kid. My artworks based on illustration. Doing art especially in Illustration is a communication media for me. The most of my works (as fine art) are inspired from my life experiences and my imaginary thought which made into simple analogies of it.
- 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- I'm an Art and Design college student at Malang State Univertsity.I working as a graphic designer and illustrator in Macan Unggulan Graphic Design Studio in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I started my career since in college. The Projects I've participated are Projek Sederhana (art exhibition group) at 2106, Bloom Film Festival (London) at 2017, and many others.
- ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://www.instagram.com/karmalonia