Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE" was held on December 11 (Fri.), 12 (Sat.), and 13 (Sun.), 2020.
Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE
Grand Prix and Audience Awards.
The 11th was a preview and judging session for related parties only.
The 12th and 13th are open to the public.
135 artists from 11 countries and regions, including Japan, who passed a rigorous screening process, participated in the exhibition. It became an exhibition space with a rich international flavor rooted in communication with artists.
The number of unique users who visited the event website during the three days was 32,468.
We believe this was due to the buzz of the event being held online for the first time, and the ease of access across countries and regions due to the online environment.
I would like to express my gratitude once again for the many people who attended the exhibition.
The Grand Prix Award, which was given to the exhibitor with the most votes by the jury consisting of 19 key creative people from Japan and overseas who are active in various industries with a focus on art and creativity, went to JooLee Kang (Korea). Congratulations!
Archive of JooLee Kang's works:
This year's Audience Award went to Tomoo Yamanaka (Japan).
The Audience Award will be presented to the artist who is supported by the most visitors, based on the total number of visitors to the artist booth and the total number of donations made by visitors to the "Artist Support" program, which was introduced this year to support the artists.
The artist will be invited to participate in UNKNOWN ASIA to be held in 2021.
Ms. Yamanaka, who participated in UNKNOWN ASIA for the first time from Oita Prefecture, attracted the most support from the visitors with her powerful works, videos of her production, and presentation using SNS. Congratulations to him!
Tomoo Yamanaka's exhibit archive:
Although the "Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE" has come to a close
However, you can still view the archived works of all the exhibiting artists on the official website below.
紀陽銀行 presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE
「紀陽銀行 presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE」の来場者数と
アート&クリエイティブを軸に各産業でご活躍される国内外のクリエイティブキーパーソン19名から構成される審査員が最も多く投票した出展者に送られるグランプリ賞は、JooLee Kangさん(韓国)が受賞されました。おめでとうございます。
JooLee Kangさん出展作品アーカイブ
また、2021年開催予定のUNKNOWN ASIAへの招待アーティストとなります。
大分県からUNKNOWN ASIAに初参加した山中さんは、力強い作品に加えて、動画による制作風景やSNSも併用したプレゼンテーションで来場者を魅了し、最多支持を集められました。おめでとうございます。
「紀陽銀行 presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE」は閉幕いたしましたが、
Good day, December 2020
Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE
Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE" was held on December 11 (Fri.), 12 (Sat.), and 13 (Sun.), 2020.
Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE
Grand Prix and Audience Awards.
The 11th was a preview and judging session for related parties only.
The 12th and 13th are open to the public.
135 artists from 11 countries and regions, including Japan, who passed a rigorous screening process, participated in the exhibition. It became an exhibition space with a rich international flavor rooted in communication with artists.
The number of unique users who visited the event website during the three days was 32,468.
We believe this was due to the buzz of the event being held online for the first time, and the ease of access across countries and regions due to the online environment.
I would like to express my gratitude once again for the many people who attended the exhibition.
The Grand Prix Award, which was given to the exhibitor with the most votes by the jury consisting of 19 key creative people from Japan and overseas who are active in various industries with a focus on art and creativity, went to JooLee Kang (Korea). Congratulations!
Archive of JooLee Kang's works:
This year's Audience Award went to Tomoo Yamanaka (Japan).
The Audience Award will be presented to the artist who is supported by the most visitors, based on the total number of visitors to the artist booth and the total number of donations made by visitors to the "Artist Support" program, which was introduced this year to support the artists.
The artist will be invited to participate in UNKNOWN ASIA to be held in 2021.
Ms. Yamanaka, who participated in UNKNOWN ASIA for the first time from Oita Prefecture, attracted the most support from the visitors with her powerful works, videos of her production, and presentation using SNS. Congratulations to him!
Tomoo Yamanaka's exhibit archive:
Although the "Kiyo Bank presents UNKNOWN ASIA 2020 ONLINE" has come to a close
However, you can still view the archived works of all the exhibiting artists on the official website below.
UNKNOWN ASIA Executive Committee