寺西 希実子 (Kimiko Teranishi)
- プロフィールProfile
2013年よりCharme de la Fleur(シャルム・ドゥ・ラ・フルール 花の魅惑)を主宰し、
その傍ら、グループ展への参加、イラスト×お花の展示会、写真展開催などを行っている。 I teach flower arrangements and decorate flowers for wedding ceremonies (2005〜).
I express the feelings of people with flowers and it is my joy.
I have begun to be interested in the expression with the photograph as well as the expression by flowers after ward (2016〜).
I take pictures of my body from various angles, I feel pleasant every time.
I’m thrilled to find a new shape on my body.
Above all, it is very pleasant task to reconfigure the shape I found once.
Because it is a new shape will be born again from there. (The personal computer helps me to do various things!)
I have created a new shape by composing each flower one by one.
Taking pictures of my body and reconstructing it is somewhat similar to doing a flower arrangement.
It may be said that it is circulation of the life.
I will do my best for a bright future! - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- 【最近の活動】
2018.3 『デンセン・桜・ノスタルジー』二人展(イラスト×お花)/aigallery(大阪)
2018.4 『上司と部下』二人展(写真) /ギャラリーキャナル長堀(大阪)
2011- グループ展参加多数 /ギャラリー風雅(大阪)、イロリムラ(大阪)など - ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://tkimiko2727.wixsite.com/mysite