お問い合わせの前に下記内容をご確認下さい。 Please confirm the following contents before inquiry.
- イベント情報EVENT
出展エントリーについて for ENTRY
ブースの中ではどんなことができますか?What can I do in the booth?
その他、作品の展示方法について、ご希望やご不明点などありましたらお気軽にご相談ください。You can display your works freely in the set space of the three-sided booth panel, on which you can hammer nails or stick things directly. Although you may not draw paintings on the booth wall as an art expression, you may write down some characters or simple illustrations directly on the wall. If you stain paints on the floor or the carpet, please notice that you need to go back and pay in full to repair, so be careful. Also, please see that the booth panels will be discarded after the event, which cannot be brought out or sold.
If you have any preferences or inquiries about decorating your works on the booth, do not hesitate to contact us.
エントリー内容を変更できますか?Can I change my entry details?
誤った情報でご登録しました場合やご登録内容を変更したい場合は、再度エントリーいただき、desk@unknownasia.netまで(アーティスト名・エントリー内容変更詳細)をお知らせください。古いデータ 、情報を破棄、更新いたします。Once you have completed your entry, you cannot change it. However, in the unlikely event that the information is incorrect, if you wish to change it, please re-enter and notify us about your artist name and details of revision: desk@unknownasia.net. The old data and information will be discarded and updated.
審査通過後、エントリー時に申し込んだブースと異なるサイズのブースに変更できますか?After passing the screening, can I change my booth to a different size than I applied for when I entered?
エントリー時の情報を基に出展者数を決定しています。審査通過後のブースの変更はできません。The number of exhibitors is determined based on the information provided at entry. The booth size cannot be changed after passing the screening.
審査結果はいつわかりますか?When will I know the results of the screening?
必ずメーラーが desk@unknownasia.net からのメールを受けることが出来るように設定しておいてください。The screening results will be notified by e-mail in late August.
Please make sure that your mailer is set up to receive e-mails from desk@unknownasia.net.
募集期間を過ぎた後もエントリーできますか?Can I still enter after the application period has passed?
募集期間を過ぎたエントリーは審査対象外となります。締切ギリギリはアクセス過多も予想されます。なるべく早めのエントリーをお奨めします。エントリーし直すことで情報変更は可能ですので、エントリー漏れを防止するためにも早めのエントリーをお願い致します。Entries received after the application period will not be considered. Many access may be expected just before the deadline for application. We recommend that you apply as soon as possible. Once you have entered, you can change your entry information after the deadline, so please apply earlier to avoid missing entries.
審査を通過したら、出展が決まったということですか?If I pass the screening, does that mean I have been selected to exhibit?
審査通過の通知メールに記載されている期間内に出展料の決済を完了した時点で出展が確定します。審査を通過した段階では、まだ出展は確定しておりません。期間内の手続きをお忘れなきようご注意ください。The exhibition will be confirmed when the payment of the exhibition fee is completed within the period indicated in the e-mail notification of acceptance. Please note that your participation is not yet confirmed when you have passed the screening. Please do not forget to complete the procedures within this period.
審査に通過した後はどうしたら良いですか?What should I do after I pass the screening?
手順に従って期限内に出展料のお支払いをお願いします。万一期間内にご入金が確認できなかった場合は、 出展資格が取り消されます。You will be notified by e-mail that your application has passed the screening process, and you will also receive instructions on how to pay the exhibition fee.
Please follow the instructions and pay the exhibition fee by the deadline. If the payment is not confirmed within the deadline, the eligibility to exhibit will be canceled.
ブース壁のスペックを教えてください。Tell me the specifications of the booth wall.
壁面パネルの壁の仕様ですが、ベニヤ合板に仕上げの加工紙を貼付し、ベースは白または黒で施しています。ベニヤは2.5㎜の厚みで、裏桟は25㎜×25㎜角を60cm間隔のピッチで入れていますので、パネルの厚みは30㎜です。壁面に作品を展示するため、留め金等を打ち込む際は、桟の部分にお願いいたします。The specifications of the booth panels are plywood with finished processed paper affixed, and the wallpaper is applied in white or black. The plywood thickness is 2.5 mm, and 25 mm x 25 mm crosspieces are nailed at 60 cm intervals on the back of the plywood, making the panel 30 mm thick. Please hammer nails or hooks on the crosspieces when you display the artwork on the booth wall.
エントリーの方法が分かりません。I don't know how to make an entry.
本エントリー期間で、本エントリーフォームでの登録で本エントリーがなされ、本イベントへの審査対象になります。Click on the banner on the website to access the pre-entry form.
Fill in all the required information in the form and click "Submit" to complete pre-entry.
Please note that pre-entry does not mean that you have been confirmed as an exhibitor.
Therefore, no exhibition fee will be charged at this stage.
During the main entry period, registration using the Entry Form will result in the submission of the main entry, which will be subject to screening at the event.
UNKNOWN ASIAに出展するとどんなメリットがありますか?What are the benefits of exhibiting at UNKNOWN ASIA?
UNKNOWN ASIAは、アジア各国で活躍する審査員に加え、 ギャラリー、出版、ファッション、広告代理店などの多種多様なレビュアーが、展覧会や企業とのコミッションワークなどをオファーします。出展アーティストの作品を見て積極的にコミュニケーションを取ってくれるクリエイティブ業界のキーパーソンや来場者との距離の近さも魅力の一つです。 出展後、UNKNOWN ASIAを機に活躍しているアーティストが多数いらっしゃいます。キーパーソンからの示唆はあなたにとってスキルアップの機会にもなります。There are judges engaged in Asian countries and many reviewers from various industries such as galleries, publishing, fashion, advertising agencies, etc., who will offer you exhibitions or production requests from corporations at UNKNOWN ASIA. One of the art fair appeals is that you can feel close to the key people in the creative industry and visitors who enjoy your works and communicate with you actively. After exhibiting, many artists have taken advantage of UNKNOWN ASIA to become active. The suggestions from the key people will be an opportunity for you to improve your skills.
事前エントリーしましたが、登録完了できているか不安ですI made pre-entry, but I’m not sure to have completed an entry.
事前エントリーが完了した方を対象に、近日ご案内メールを配信いたします。We will send an e-mail to notify the completion of entry for the artists who made pre-entry within a few days.
出展ブースの場所・位置は希望できますか?Can I choose the location of my booth?
出展ブースの位置、場所は選べません。実行委員会主導で決定いたします。The exhibitors cannot choose the locations of their booths. The Executive committee will decide on the overall site.
審査まではどんなサポートが受けられますか?What kind of support can I receive until the screening?
ポートフォリオレビューを通じて、作家の皆様の最も良いところを引き出すようサポートいたします。We plan to hold portfolio reviews online, an opportunity to offer a personalized and direct critique of your works. We will help bring out the best in each artist through the portfolio review.
審査員とレビュアーの違いはなんですか?What is the difference between judges and reviewers?
アート・デザイン業界だけでなく、民間企業経営者・音楽業界プロデューサー・学識者・士業など多様な業界の方がレビュアーとして参加されます。機会の創生と絵画・作品の購入など様々な協力をいただきます。Judges have mostly expertise and skills in the art field and offer creative chances for the exhibitors.
Reviewers will participate from art or designing industries, executives of private companies, producers of music industries, academic fields, and professionals. They will support the exhibitors by offering creative chances or purchasing the works.
作品を販売しないといけないでしょうか?Do I need to sell my work at the event?
なお作品を販売される際は、ご購入を希望されるお客様とトラブルにならないよう十分な配慮をお願い致します。又、その際の当事者間のトラブルは主催者側では責任を負いかねますので、ご了承下さい。後のトラブル防止のためにも、各自で領収書、受注書など双方記録の残るものをご用意くださいYou can participate in the event without selling.
If you sell your works, please consider in order not to have some troubles with the customers who will purchase your works. Please notice that the organization will not be responsible for some problems between exhibitors and customers. Be prepared for receipts or order forms as a record, preventing some troubles later
作品販売の手数料はいくらですか?How much does it cost for the commission fee for the works sale?
ご購入を希望されるお客様とトラブルにならないよう、十分な配慮をお願い致します。又、その際の当事者間のトラブルは主催者側では責任を負いかねますので、ご了承下さい。後のトラブル防止のためにも、各自で領収書、受注書など双方記録の残るものをご用意くださいThe commission fee for the works sale will not be charged.
Please consider in order not to have some troubles with the customers who will purchase your works. Please notice that the organization will not be responsible for some problems between exhibitors and customers. Be prepared for receipts or order forms as a record, preventing some troubles later.
音を出してもよろしいでしょうか?May I make sounds on the speaker?
構いません。前後左右の出展者が来場者とコミュニケーションがとれなくなるような音量はご遠慮ください。You may make sounds on the speaker at the booth, but please refrain from making a loud volume of sound, preventing the exhibitors around you from communicating with visitors.
ブースに張り紙してもよいでしょうか?May I stick some leaflets on the booth wall?
構いません。You may stick anything you like, such as leaflets on the booth wall.
ブースでペインティングなどパフォーマンスしてもよいでしょうか?Can I perform such as live painting at the booth?
ただし、塗料で床、カーペットが汚れると会場に対して現状復旧(費用弁償)の義務が発生します。ご注意ください。また、終了後にパネルは廃棄いたしますので、パネルに描いた絵等はお持ち帰りいただくことや、販売することはできませんので予めご了承ください。Although you may not draw paintings on the booth wall as an art expression, you may write down some characters or simple illustrations directly on the wall. If you stain paints on the floor or the carpet, please notice that you need to go back and pay in full to repair, so be careful. Also, please see that the booth panels will be discarded after the event, which cannot be brought out or sold.
If you have any preferences or inquiries about decorating your works on the booth, do not hesitate to contact us.
作品の搬入は、当日の直接搬入ではなく、会場への宅配・郵送による配送搬入は可能ですか?またその場合、配送搬入指定日や配送指定先などありますでしょうか?Can I deliver my works to the venue in advance, besides bringing them directly to the venue?
In that case, should I deliver on the designated date or with the designated courier? -
作品は郵送していただけます。指定日着でお願いいたします。配送先、指定等は審査通過後、出展概要とともに皆様にお知らせいたします。配送業者の指定はございません。You can send your work by courier in advance on the designated date. Once the screening process is completed, we will provide the exhibitors with more detailed information about the shipping address, date, etc. Please note that the courier is not designated.