UNKNOWN ASIA Art Exchange Osaka2015



Everywhere We Shoot (Everywhere We Shoot

  • Everywhere We Shoot
  • Everywhere We Shoot
  • Everywhere We Shoot
エブリウェア ウィー シュートはライアン・バーガラとガロス・ガロービロの写真家ユニットである。「エブリウェア ウィー シュート」はユニット名だけでなくその名の通りどこでも写真を撮るという声明でもある。彼らによると二人が幼い頃にファーストフード店で出会い互いに写真を撮ることが好きで意気投合し現在のユニット結成に至るそうだ *Everywhere We Shoot is composed of husband and wife Ryan and Garovs Vergara, *they have been working in the field of fashion photography and graphic design since 2006. Their moniker is not just the duo’s name but also a statement of intent, a manifesto of sorts in praise of the ambulant imagination.

According to them, they were two kids who would meet up at a fast food joint near school, just to hang out. As a result, they ended up smitten not only with each other, but also with each other’s good taste. Both were obsessed with design magazines and irony, and working together just happened naturally.

They’ve established an inimitable style through photography, fashion, andgraphic design ? characteristically ironic and playful and always with ahint of humor. They simplify the complicated, and exaggerate the basics.

Their work has appeared in almost every major magazine in the country as well as a number of publications abroad, local designer lookbooks and ad campaigns. They’ve also been commissioned to do branding, record sleeves, packaging design for top Filipino artists and designers. They have staged exhibitions and collaborative projects, participated in local group shows and have done 2 solo exhibitions.

The success of their partnership is creating images that refuse to stay put.