ファインアート/Sculpture art
YANG Yi Rong
- プロフィールProfile
- YANG Yi Rong, male, Born in 8 February1977 .Hometown is Yinchuan city of Ningxia China, Now I living in Shenzhen city,I work in art design, such as sculpture, painting, environmental art, public art, etc. My work focuses on the art and design of the innovative integration of Eastern and Western cultures.
- 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- Born 8 Feb 1977
1997 Department of Decoration and Design of Central University of Arts and crafts.
1998-2000 Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts; I learned sculpture from professor Xu Renbo
2000-2001 China Academy of Art; Department of Sculpture
2002-2003 Central Academy of Fine Arts; The Department of Oil Painting;
2006 Graduated from the department of visual communication design, Ningxia University - ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://www.instagram.com/moosayang/