・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
ASITA_ROOM賞はスタジオ見学・ディスカッションを経て、アシタノシカクASITA_ROOMでの企画展を実施。アシタノシカクDMにアートワーク採用とHPにてASITANOSIKAKU COLLECTIONでも作品紹介。
The ASITA Room Prize includes a trip to the ASITANOSIKAKU studio, taking part in a discussion, and carrying out the planning exhibition for ATISANOSIKAKU’s ASITA_ROOM.
Winning works will be used as artworks for ASITANOSIKAKU’s direct mailings as well as introduced in the ASITANOSIKAKU COLLECTION on their home page.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
ubiesにてTシャツ等のプロダクトを制作し販売、また、ヴィジョントラックのオフィシャルサイト、メルマガ等でFeatured Artistとして掲載するなどプロモーションし積極的に仕事やプロジェクトへと繋げていきます。
I produce the products such as T-shirts in ubies and sell it,and I place it in the official site of the vision truck, an e-mail magazine as Featured Artist and make promotion and connect it with work and a project positively.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
アートギャラリーDMOARTSでの個展開催、Young Art TAIPEI含めたアジアでのアートフェアへの出品、FM802でのキャンペーンビジュアル制作依頼等、受賞アーティストとのコラボレーションを積極的に行います。
The winner will receive a personal exhibition at the DMOARTS gallery, and their works will be included in the Young Art TAIPEI art fair. The selected artist will also have their work requested to be a part of an FM802 campaign visual work that the winning artist will actively collaborate with.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will have their work promoted in the online TUGBOAT Gallery, and receive a free booth or display their works during Tokyo Design Week.
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will be introduced to Mr. Zhu’s business network in China, and invited to his office there. Winning works may also be published in a Chinese design magazine. “We feel that there is great value in having works shown at our exhibition. As far as our projects go, when it comes to the possibility of working together on a job with us, we believe this will be an excellent experience.”
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Selected artists for the “Dasha Award” will become Mr. Xiao’s creative collaboration partner for one of the following: an up-and-coming showcase event, a commercial collaboration, or creative planning for a travelling event. Mr. Xiao hopes the winner will be involved with him for his creative projects, and that he can recommend them to the Chinese arts and design community.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
韓国に招待/展示及びパーティー参加アーティストとして提案/アイコンTV (The Icon TV、オンライン上クリエーター映像プラットフォーム)の取材/のいずれかでの提案となります。
Winners will be invited to South Korea and choose to either display their work or participate in an artist party. They will also be invited to appear on The Icon TV (an online video platform for creators).
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
タイ・バンコクのThe Jam Factory ギャラリーでのUNKNOWN ASIA EXTRAでの展示を行います。
I perform display in UNKNOWN ASIA EXTRA in the The Jam Factory gallery of Thailand Bangkok.
【グランプリノミネート|Grand prix nomination】
『二宮佐和子/Sawako Ninomiya(Japan)』
『Hei Yiyang(China)』
『Aiwei Foo(Singapore)』
『Natasha Gabriella Tontey(Indonesia)』
【審査員賞|Judges' award】
■アシタノシカク賞|ASITANOSIKAKU Prize(選者:大垣ガク/Selector:Gaku Ogaki(Japan))
『二宮佐和子/Sawako Ninomiya(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
ASITA_ROOM賞はスタジオ見学・ディスカッションを経て、アシタノシカクASITA_ROOMでの企画展を実施。アシタノシカクDMにアートワーク採用とHPにてASITANOSIKAKU COLLECTIONでも作品紹介。
The ASITA Room Prize includes a trip to the ASITANOSIKAKU studio, taking part in a discussion, and carrying out the planning exhibition for ATISANOSIKAKU’s ASITA_ROOM.
Winning works will be used as artworks for ASITANOSIKAKU’s direct mailings as well as introduced in the ASITANOSIKAKU COLLECTION on their home page.
■大口岳人賞|The Taketo Oguchi Prize(Japan)
『寺田智也/Tomoya Terada(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will appear in an interview column in the Online Magazine, SHIFT (Featured in Japanese, English, and Chinese language versions.)
■日下慶太賞|The Keita Kusaka Prize (Japan)
『Natasha Gabriella Tontey(Indonesia)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The selected artist will attend a meal with Kusaka-san, and be invited to the DENTSU offices, with the chance to work there for a job.
■小林功二賞|The Koji Kobayashi Prize(Japan)
『鬼頭祈/Inori Kito(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winning artist’s work is expected to be published in the magazine +DESIGNING.
■庄野裕晃賞|The Hiroaki Shono Prize(Japan)
『Tunlaya Dunnvatanachit(Thailand)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
ubiesにてTシャツ等のプロダクトを制作し販売、また、ヴィジョントラックのオフィシャルサイト、メルマガ等でFeatured Artistとして掲載するなどプロモーションし積極的に仕事やプロジェクトへと繋げていきます。
I produce the products such as T-shirts in ubies and sell it,and I place it in the official site of the vision truck, an e-mail magazine as Featured Artist and make promotion and connect it with work and a project positively.
■杉浦太一賞|The Taichi Sugiyama Prize(Japan)
『Tunlaya Dunnvatanachit(Thailand)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will be introduced through CINRA media, or be part of a collaborative advertising project.
■谷口純弘賞|The Yoshihiro Taniguchi Prize(Japan)
『戸屋ちかこ/Chikako Toya(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
アートギャラリーDMOARTSでの個展開催、Young Art TAIPEI含めたアジアでのアートフェアへの出品、FM802でのキャンペーンビジュアル制作依頼等、受賞アーティストとのコラボレーションを積極的に行います。
The winner will receive a personal exhibition at the DMOARTS gallery, and their works will be included in the Young Art TAIPEI art fair. The selected artist will also have their work requested to be a part of an FM802 campaign visual work that the winning artist will actively collaborate with.
■玉置泰紀賞|The Yasunori Tamaki Prize(Japan)
『モロモトタクマ/Takuma Moromoto(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will be introduced with their works featured in the weekly publications Tokyo Walker + and Kansai Walker.
■徳光健治賞|The Kenji Tokumitsu Prize/(Japan)
『宮原 野乃実/Nonomi Miyahara(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will have their work promoted in the online TUGBOAT Gallery, and receive a free booth or display their works during Tokyo Design Week.
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.
■BEAMS賞|The BEAMS Prize(Japan)
『Natasha Gabriella Tontey(Indonesia)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
トーキョー カルチャート by ビームスにて販売するプロダクツの商品化。
Winners will turn their products into sellable merchandice through TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS.
■長友啓典賞|The Keisuke Nagatomo Prize(Japan)
『Eko Bintang(Indonesia)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Nagatomo-san will have a discussion with a selected winner.
■ヒロ杉山賞|The Hiro Sugiyama Prize(Japan)
『Natasha Gabriella Tontey(Indonesia)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Here is ZINE Tokyoへの参加。
Winners will participate in Here is ZINE Tokyo.
■松尾良一賞|The Ryoichi Matsuo Prize(Japan)
『Hei Yiyang(China)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Matsuo-san is thinking about having the winner’s work displayed in the group exhibit gallery.
■本吉康成賞|The Yasunari Motoyoshi Award(Japan)
『出口春菜/Haruna Deguchi(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will appear on the cover of our seasonal publication with their works, and receive a yearly subscription to our magazine.
■エリック・チュウ賞|The Eric Zhu Prize(China)
『宮原 野乃実/Nonomi Miyahara(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
The winner will be introduced to Mr. Zhu’s business network in China, and invited to his office there. Winning works may also be published in a Chinese design magazine. “We feel that there is great value in having works shown at our exhibition. As far as our projects go, when it comes to the possibility of working together on a job with us, we believe this will be an excellent experience.”
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.
■イグナティウス・ヘルマワン・タンジル賞|The Ignatius Hermawan Tanzil Prize(Indonesia)
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Winners will participate in the art exhibit with designers from Indonesia, or possibly participate in a collaborative work project.
■カノックノッチ・シリパウィサワクル賞|The Kanoknuch Sillapawisawakul Prize(Thailand)
『Radhinal Indra(Indonesia)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
facebookページと私のスタジオのウェブサイトでUnknown Asiaから、気になる作品の記事を掲載します。
I will review some of the outstanding works from Unknown Asia in my facebook page and my studio's website.
■パーパン・シリマ・チャイピリーチャウィット賞|The Pahparn Sirima Chaipreechawit Prize(Thailand)
『Aiwei Foo(Singapore)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
タイ・バンコクのThe Jam Factory ギャラリーでの展覧会を予定。
I plan the exhibition in the The Jam Factory gallery of Thailand Bangkok.
■サンティ・ロウラチャウィ賞|The Santi Lawrachawee Prize(Thailand)
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
I will write a few column for Thai magazines and I am hoping to review some of the outstanding work l see from this event as well.
■蕭青陽「大侠賞」|Qing-Yang Xiao’s “Elder Brother Award”(Selector 蕭青陽/Qing-Yang Xiao(Taiwna))
『二宮佐和子/Sawako Ninomiya(Japan)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
Selected artists for the “Dasha Award” will become Mr. Xiao’s creative collaboration partner for one of the following: an up-and-coming showcase event, a commercial collaboration, or creative planning for a travelling event. Mr. Xiao hopes the winner will be involved with him for his creative projects, and that he can recommend them to the Chinese arts and design community.
■チョン・ウチ賞|The Woochi Jeon Prize(Korea)
『Nuttapong Daovichitr(Thailand)』
・受賞内容|Receiving a prize contents
韓国に招待/展示及びパーティー参加アーティストとして提案/アイコンTV (The Icon TV、オンライン上クリエーター映像プラットフォーム)の取材/のいずれかでの提案となります。
Winners will be invited to South Korea and choose to either display their work or participate in an artist party. They will also be invited to appear on The Icon TV (an online video platform for creators).
*Selected participants must pay their own travel expenses.