Dadanim (Dadanim)
- プロフィールProfile
Dadanimはタイ・バンコク生まれのビジュアルアーティスト、タイとイギリスで現代美術とイラストレーション・アニメーションを修学し、現在は本の装丁、Tシャツデザイン、商品パッケージデザインを手掛けジャンルを問わず多才に活動している。 Illustrator, designer and visual artist born and work in Bangkok, Thailand.
I'm interested in animals, people,and vintage halloween costumes.
My work starts from my impression on things around me then I create them with my feelings and imagination. I believe that anything is possible in my head and I want to share them with the world through my work. - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- I finished a Bachelor degree in Fine and Applied Art in Thailand in 2008. Then I studied illustration at Kingston University, London, and received a Master degree of Illustration and Animation in 2010.
There are wide range of work I have done so far including illustrated for a book, t-shirt design, wedding invitation design, packaging design, logo design, and product design. - ホームページWebsite