Bezel Wang (Bezel Wang)
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Bezel Wangは1987年台湾生まれの写真家である。幼少期から生と死、対人関係、人類と世界の繋がりについて問い、自分の感情の表現の一環として写真家として活動している。 Hi,I am Bezel Wang. Born on october 21,1987,in Newtaipei City,Taiwan.
When I was child I always attracted to the question between life and death,interpersonal relationships,the connect between the world and human being.I used to expresses my inner emotion and philosophy of life by photograph. - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- I was self published my first photo book -RELATIONSHIPS in april 2014.
Artist in Residency at gold museum in september to december 2014 in Taiwan. - ホームページWebsite