Lilanan Ronakiat (Lilanan Ronakiat)
- プロフィールProfile
Lilanan Ronakiatは1988年バンコク生まれのイラストレーターである。イギリスのセントラルセイントマーティン大学にてコミュニケーションデザインとクリエイティブアートを専攻しイラストレーションでの表現の魅力に惹かれ主に雑誌の挿絵、更にはバンコクに位置するタンマサート大学で建築デザインの准教授を務めている。 Lilanan Ronakiat (Min), Illustrator based in Bangkok, was born on 25th of January 1988.
According to my background in communication design(BA), Creative Art(MA) and passion in illustration,I currently work as creative designer,lecturer at Faculty of Architecture and Design of Thammasat University,designer and owner of Aprilpoolday Swimwear and illustrator for various magazines. - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- After my graduation in MA in Creative Arts from Central Saint Martins,UAL in 2014,my illustration series were chosen as 1/13 London Based Artists as part of TEDx Exhibition.
I currently work as creative designer,part time lecturer at Faculty of Architecture and Design of Thammasat University,designer and owner of Aprilpoolday Swimwear business and illustrator for various magazines. - ホームページWebsite