- プロフィールProfile
- A lot of people are questioning my nickname, Gula (Eng: Sugar). I wasn’t inspired by that white crystalline sweet carbohydrate, because Gula actually stands for Gusto Laboratory, which means a Laboratory of Happiness. I hope the happiness that I have mixed in this lab will make people feel happy and forget about their problems for a while whenever they see my works.
- 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- In 2012, I became one of the members of Designers of Asia and we have made series of exhibitions. Such as Paradox-Paradox Art Cafe Malaysia and Connection-Metropolitan Gallery Kyoto, Japan. In 2013, I was chosen as one of the contributors for Stickerbomb XL book, London. In 2016, I was chosen to collaborate with Vans for doing live painting Vans x WTAPS shoes in a Street Stage event.