- プロフィールProfile
My name is Akin Kanjanapokin. For more than a decade, I create artworks under the name "Teeprang" which means Malerisch / Painterliness.
In creating artwork, I put myself into it. Basically what inspires me is what happens in my life or what I experience and perceive through culture, media, surroundings, including religions, belief, metaphysics, amulets, etc., For example, recently I questioned myself what is Thainess and interpreted it into artworks with no limitations to my imagination because the root of the term "Thai" refers to "Freedom".
For some of my recent work “Memorial Outcast" at BKKDW 2021, I would like to express the current state in which people having an excess of their living necessities, especially for clothing and technology.
Furthermore, I also work on commercial art which allows me to work with customers such as Honda, Leica Cafe, VIZA, Nylon TH - Marie Claire TH - More Media, etc. As well as the founder of Design studio under the name of “Teeprang Studio". - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- AKIN KANJANPOKIN ( TEEPRANG - his pseudonym)
Born Bangkok, Thailand 1990. Lives and Works in Thailand
Graduated Bachelor of Art and Design Bangkok University, Thailand
2012 GROUP EXHIBITION: A Collection of Speedy Grandma gallery.
2013 GROUP EXHIBITION: Eagle & Elephant. At Made by Legacy Flea Market II
2014 GROUP EXHIBITION: Golden Triangle. At Soy Sauce Factory Gallery
2016 GROUP EXHIBITION: TheEmDistrictPeople. At Emporium Emquartier
2016 GROUP EXHIBITION: Have A Meal With The Famous. At Kram Café’&Thai Kitchen
2016 – 2017 GROUP EXHIBITION: Father of our Nation. At Gaysorn Concierge
2016 GROUP EXHIBITION:「9」curated. At Buffalo Bridge Gallery
2020 SOLO EXHIBITION: Pen-Thai, Liberated. At Gallerie Night 2020
2021 SOLO EXHIBITION: Memorial, Outcast. At Bangkok Design Week 2021
etc. - ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://www.teeprangstudio.com/