Pira Ogawa
- プロフィールProfile
Pira Ogawa, a 75 years old ( born Nov9, 1946 ) mixed blood Thai and Japanese man, is living in BKK, Thailand. He had never attended Art School. His love for art had made him continuously producing hundreds of artwork collections, even though for 6 decades his work had never been recognized by the public. Only recently his family sent his work to Bangkok Illustration Fair (BKKIF 2021), where he won the popular vote and had a chance to have an exhibition.
His artwork had its origin from the love he had for Geometry. He uses geometric tools to create his work. He finds it very challenging to control lines and angles in the direction that he wants the images to forms. After that, he uses acrylic colors or marker pens to finish his work. - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- Pira Ogawa’s CV
Date of Birth : November 9, 1946
Education : St. Gabriel’s College Bangkok, Thailand
Award-winning :
· March 7, 2021 he won the popular vote from Bangkok Illustration Fair (BKKIF2021)
Show History
· 30Mar -24Apr, 2021 “The Room of Impulse” at Bangkok Art and Culture Center(Bacc)(Group exhibition
· 5Aug – 5Sep, 2021 “Around the clock” at River City, Bangkok (Solo exhibition) - ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://www.facebook.com/PIRAOGAWA