Mr.Petch wanmalikpan
- プロフィールProfile
Hello Unknown Asia Judges
My name is Petch Wanmalikpan. from Bangkok,Thailand
Now I'm interested about How to deal with a relationship by my empathy to another people.
Through listening and painting what I saw emotion and dark side in those people.
2016-2018 Illustrator in Karmakamet Brand that telling about the secret scent in Asia through my botanical illustration - 略歴・受賞Career / Prize
- -The latest my an exhibition called “Home in the truly home”
which talk about comparison between the homes in which I live and the space in my head.
There are things that haven’t been properly arranged
that are stories of discovering and healing for my happiness perception.
-"The meeting app project" changing from having fun in date app to naked drawing
@10mlgallery, Galleries night bkk - ホームページ・SNSWebsite / SNS
- https://www.instagram.com/petch_paints_a_thing/channel/